ID | Submission ID | Problem | Hacker | Owner | Result | Submit time |
#806 | #276998 | #7014. Rikka with Grid Graphs | ucup-team1005 | ucup-team1209 | Failed. | 2024-09-07 00:26:17 |
#805 | #549288 | #7011. Rikka with Sorting Networks | ucup-team1005 | ucup-team1005 | Success! | 2024-09-06 14:59:00 |
#804 | #547730 | #4890. 这是一道集训队胡策题 | ship2077 | liuhengxi | Failed. | 2024-09-05 08:46:12 |
#803 | #547721 | #7781. Sheep Eat Wolves | ship2077 | ship2077 | Success! | 2024-09-05 08:34:13 |
#802 | #547714 | #7781. Sheep Eat Wolves | ship2077 | ship2077 | Success! | 2024-09-05 08:23:23 |
#801 | #547088 | #8336. Indeterminate Equation | Shunpower | Shunpower | Success! | 2024-09-04 17:57:17 |
#799 | #457649 | #8840. Lalo's Lawyer Lost | ucup-team367 | ucup-team1004 | Failed. | 2024-09-03 11:46:40 |
#798 | #114613 | #21618. 【ExPR #1】乘积 | sun_vitamessage | zhaohaikun | Failed. | 2024-09-01 11:18:36 |
#797 | #542396 | #8133. When Anton Saw This Task He Reacted With 😩 | PhantomThreshold | PhantomThreshold | Failed. | 2024-09-01 01:10:43 |
#794 | #530470 | #8217. King's Dinner | liyelin | Max_FWL | Failed. | 2024-08-31 13:41:33 |