

Hero of the Kingdom Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#609332#9408. Hero of the KingdomKanate#AC ✓130ms3708kbC++141.2kb2024-10-04 12:10:01
#606715#9408. Hero of the KingdomORZZZAC ✓133ms3748kbC++141.2kb2024-10-03 11:46:20
#621204#9408. Hero of the Kingdomucup-team004AC ✓137ms3716kbC++23843b2024-10-08 11:00:11
#633843#9408. Hero of the Kingdomji_114514AC ✓144ms3724kbC++14894b2024-10-12 16:18:08
#751448#9408. Hero of the Kingdomzq500AC ✓145ms3680kbC++14919b2024-11-15 18:45:54
#609357#9408. Hero of the KingdomAAA___#AC ✓145ms3704kbC++201.8kb2024-10-04 12:27:27
#609341#9408. Hero of the Kingdomucup-team5079#AC ✓145ms3748kbC++23748b2024-10-04 12:14:52
#624252#9408. Hero of the KingdomLuckyblockAC ✓148ms3848kbC++201.1kb2024-10-09 15:20:50
#624422#9408. Hero of the KingdomAKALemonAC ✓151ms3736kbC++231.6kb2024-10-09 15:48:40
#662717#9408. Hero of the KingdomScene#AC ✓153ms3972kbC++14820b2024-10-21 09:27:38
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum