

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#572406#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemnuoAC ✓14ms6000kbC++11610b2024-09-18 14:20:46
#572278#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemTrspntAC ✓15ms6188kbC++231023b2024-09-18 13:26:24
#572197#9320. Find the Easiest ProblempropaneAC ✓15ms6004kbC++20768b2024-09-18 12:54:34
#572176#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemDong_Nan_ZhiAC ✓53ms8328kbC++17681b2024-09-18 12:48:02
#572171#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemOIer_kzcAC ✓13ms5380kbC++14831b2024-09-18 12:45:52
#572168#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemOIer_kzcWA 7ms3612kbC++14761b2024-09-18 12:44:40
#572166#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemOIer_kzcWA 8ms3804kbC++14760b2024-09-18 12:44:09
#572163#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemDong_Nan_ZhiWA 24ms3592kbC++17679b2024-09-18 12:42:53
#572160#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemOIer_kzcWA 13ms3800kbC++14822b2024-09-18 12:42:44
#572159#9320. Find the Easiest ProblemDong_Nan_ZhiCompile Error//C++170b2024-09-18 12:42:28
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