

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#328187#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the TrickPetroTarnavskyi#RE 15ms48712kbC++201.5kb2024-02-15 18:01:53
#317128#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickship2077AC ✓186ms210156kbC++141.2kb2024-01-28 15:53:02
#317125#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickship2077AC ✓212ms210096kbC++14751b2024-01-28 15:47:18
#317120#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickship2077AC ✓208ms209444kbC++14905b2024-01-28 15:44:24
#317114#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickship2077AC ✓531ms209440kbC++141.0kb2024-01-28 15:39:44
#317104#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickship2077WA 1ms5536kbC++141.0kb2024-01-28 15:17:42
#306975#8034. Ban or Pick, What's the Trickbachbeo2007AC ✓189ms417904kbC++231.0kb2024-01-17 18:56:57
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